Classes Are Full 2024-2025

Course #8825- $60.00
Virtual BIC Update 2024-25 (BIC Eligible Only)
** Registration begins at 8:30am (payment is your confirmation)
** Student will need highspeed internet capacity, laptop usage with operating camera, uninterrupted stationary environment and display current license pocket.
** Zoom link will be sent three days prior to class. All other electronic devices put away. Each student must register separately. Credits will be posted 7 calendar days after class.
Course #8825- $60.00
Virtual BIC Update 2024-25 (BIC Eligible Only)
** Registration begins at 8:30am (payment is your confirmation)
** Student will need highspeed internet capacity, laptop usage with operating camera, uninterrupted stationary environment and display current license pocket.
** Zoom link will be sent three days prior to class. All other electronic devices put away. Each student must register separately. Credits will be posted 7 calendar days after class.
Elective Course #3819
$60.00 (payment is your confirmation)
What would your Mama say?
** Student must login in at 8:30am, highspeed internet capacity, laptop usage, uninterrupted stationary environment and display current license pocket.
** Zoom link will be sent three days prior to class. All other electronic devices put away. Each student must register separately. Credits will be posted 7 calendar days after class.
Elective Course #3819
$60.00 (payment is your confirmation)
What would your Mama say?
** Student must login in at 8:30am, highspeed internet capacity, laptop usage, uninterrupted stationary environment and display current license pocket.
** Zoom link will be sent three days prior to class. All other electronic devices put away. Each student must register separately. Credits will be posted 7 calendar days after class.